Main Reasons Why Choose Us
ENVIRO-Resources has successfully participated and implemented number of projects, as listed below:
Creating new incomes for plastic recycling collectors of Roma population, finaced by the SOROS, Budapest
EBRD Project for support of competitiveness Macedonia companies-Consulating services
Capacity building for aimed at the development of the Strumica river basin management Plan, Republic of Macedonia (Arcadis - Belgium)
Support the implementation of Directives for floods in Republic of Macedonia in the frames of cooperation in the areas in Flanders and Central and Eastern Europe, (Arcadis - Belgium)
Project for Integral waste managing in the region of Strumica (Strumica, Vasilevo, Bosilevo and Novo Selo)
Study for composting organical waste in the rural parts of the Municupalities: Gazi Baba, Ilinden and Kocani
Plan and programs for managing waste in the municipalities: Krusevo, Novo Selo, Kocani, Sveti Nikole, Debarca, Ohrid and Gazi Baba
Preparation of Strategic Environmental Assessment studies (SEA)
Preparation of Environmental Impact Assessment studies (EIA)
Preparation of studies for environmental protection
Interpretation of training for banks in direction of enviroment documents which private investors have to prepare to provide soft longs from Commercial Banks, ENVIRORESOURCES-FICONSULT (Chech Republic)
Prepairing elaborates on environmental protection for PETROL STATIONS, MAKPETROL A.D. - Skopje
Prepairing elaborates on environmental protection for CENTRAL HEATING SYSTEM FOR BUILDING OF MAKEDONSKI TELEKOM A.D. – Skopje, Municipality of Kavadarci, Kocani, Kicevo, Stip, Gostivar, Gevgelija, Resen, Ohrid, Struga, Strumica, Veles, Prilep, Bitola, Cucer Sandevo, Gazi Baba
Prepairing elaborates on environmental protection for EVN Macedonia A.D. - Skopje